Presentation Guidelines | 演讲准则

Oral Presentation Instruction 

  1. Timing: a maximum of 15 minutes total, including speaking time and discussion. Please make sure your presentation is well timed. Please keep in mind that the program is full and that the speaker after you would like their allocated time available to them.
  2. You can use USB flash drive (memory stick), make sure you scanned viruses in your own computer. Each speaker is required to meet her/his session chair in the corresponding session rooms 10 minutes before the session starts and copy the slide file(PPT or PDF) to the computer.
  3. It is suggested that you email a copy of your presentation to your personal inbox as a backup. If for some reason the files can’t be accessed from your flash drive, you will be able to download them to the computer from your email.
  4. Please note that each session room will be equipped with a LCD projector, screen, point device, microphone, and a laptop with general presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Reader. Please make sure that your files are compatible and readable with our operation system by using commonly used fronts and symbols. If you plan to use your own computer, please try the connection and make sure it works before your presentation.
  5. Movies: If your PowerPoint files contain movies please make sure that they are well formatted and connected to the main files. 

Poster Presentation Instruction 

  1. Maximum poster size is 0.8 meter wide by 1 meter high.
  2. Posters are required to be condensed and attractive. The characters should be large enough so that they are visible from 1 meter apart.
  3. Please note that during your poster session, the author should stay by your poster paper to explain and discuss your paper with visiting delegates.


  1. 时间安排:最多15分钟,包括演讲时间和讨论时间。请确保您的演示文稿的时机正确。请记住,该程序已满,并且您希望分配给他们之后的时间用于演讲者。
  2. 您可以使用USB闪存盘(记忆棒),请确保已在自己的计算机上扫描了病毒。在会议开始前十分钟,要求每个演讲者在相应的会议厅与她/他的会议主席会面,并将幻灯片文件(PPT或PDF)复制到计算机上。
  3. 建议您将演示文稿的副本通过电子邮件发送到个人收件箱作为备份。如果由于某种原因无法从闪存驱动器访问文件,则可以通过电子邮件将其下载到计算机上。
  4. 请注意,每个会议室都将配备LCD投影仪,屏幕,指点设备,麦克风以及一台带有一般演示软件(例如Microsoft PowerPoint和Adobe Reader)的笔记本电脑。请使用常用的字体和符号来确保您的文件与我们的操作系统兼容并且可读。如果您打算使用自己的计算机,请在演示之前尝试连接并确保其正常工作。
  5. 电影:如果您的PowerPoint文件包含电影,请确保其格式正确并连接到主文件。


  1. [1] 最大海报尺寸为0.8米宽x 1米高。
  2. 海报必须简洁明了。字符应足够大,以便可以在相距1米处看到它们。
  3. 请注意,在您的张贴会议期间,作者应留在您的张贴纸旁,与来访的代表进行解释和讨。